a. Read Genesis 48 and describe in writing what was unusual about what Jacob did when blessing Ephraim and Manasseh. What did Jacob give to Ephraim?
Manasseh was the older brother of Ephraim. What's unusual about the blessing Jacob gave them was that he blessed Ephraim with his right hand and Manasseh with his left. Usually it's the older brother who is blessed with the right hand. I'm not completely sure why, but I wonder if it isn't symbolic of striving to be on the right hand of God. Being on the right hand of God means being righteous. The sibling, usually the older one, who is blessed with the right hand usually gets the better blessing. This time, Jacob decided to bless the younger brother, Ephraim, with his right hand, therefore giving him the better blessing. He blessed Ephraim that he would be greater than Manasseh and his posterity would be a multitude of nations in the earth.
b. Read Genesis 49:1 and explain in writing when the blessing to these tribes will be realized.
The blessings Jacob gave to the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh will be realized in the last days. I think this is already becoming evident. I've heard that most people on the earth today are in the tribe of Ephraim. Not everyone, but most people. People from many different countries throughout the world today are in the tribe of Ephraim, which fulfills the promise that Ephraim's posterity would be a multitude of nations.
c. In Genesis 49 mark the names of the 12 sons of Israel in your scriptures so you can quickly see where to find each son's blessing. Then read the Institute Student Manual commentary for Genesis 49:8-12, "What significant Portion of the Birthright Blessing Was Given to Judah?" (pg. 98), and the commentary for Genesis 49:22-26, "What Is the Significance of Joseph's blessing?" (pg. 98). Write two paragraphs, one describing the promises to Judah and the other describing the blessings to Joseph. In what ways do you see those blessings fulfilled today?
Some of the promises made to Judah were that he will be praised and people will bow down to him. It says in Genesis 49:8 that Judah's, "...hand shall be in the neck of [his] enemies..." I think this means that the people of Judah will be powerful and have the ability to defeat their enemies. Genesis 49 also talks about Judah being the judges and lawgivers over the people until Christ comes (verse 10). Genesis 49:11 cross references Doctrine and Covenants 133:35, which says that Judah, "...shall be sanctified in holiness before the Lord, to dwell in his presence day and night, forever and ever." Judah was also promised that kings and even Christ would come from his line.
Joseph was also promised that Christ would come from his line. He was blessed with a large posterity and many lands. Joseph's posterity would become so numerous that they would need to travel to many more far away lands.
Some of these blessings that I see today are when Judah was promised he would have kings come from his line, he did. Christ also came from his line. Judah was promised that people would bow down to his people. I think this came true when Christ was on the earth; people praised and bowed down to Him, and many still do. Christ was also able to defeat His enemies. He is one of the greatest Judges and Lawgivers to have ever lived. Christ is also, "...sanctified in holiness before the Lord, to dwell in his presence day and night, forever and ever." We also see today that most people in probably every country and continent are descendants of Joseph through Ephraim.
d. The blessings given in Genesis 49 are patriarchal blessings. Explain in writing why you feel we receive patriarchal blessings and the requirements to receive one. What does your patriarchal blessing mean to you?
I think one of the requirements of receiving your patriarchal blessing is to be ready. If you aren't ready, you won't get much out of the experience. I don't think being ready has anything to do with age because some people mature faster than others. When you're ready, you also have to be temple worthy. I think you also need to listen to the Spirit as far as when to get it. You might or might not think you're ready, but the Lord will know if you really are or not.
One of the reasons we receive our patriarchal blessing is to find out our lineage in Israel. I think we also get it for personal counsel, guidance, blessings, and warnings. Our patriarchal blessings are often referred to as personal scripture. When I read my patriarchal blessing, parts of it comfort me and other parts of it make me really excited for what's to come. It also makes me appreciate who and what I have.
e. Write what impresses you most about JST, Genesis 50:24-36 (see Institute Student Manual commentary for Genesis 50:24, "The Prophecies of Joseph," pg. 99). What specific prophecies about Joseph Smith are found in these verses?
In the Joseph Smith translation of Genesis 50, some prophesies are made about Joseph Smith: "Thus saith the Lord God of my fathers unto me, a choice seer will I raise up out of the fruit of thy loins...and he shall bring them to the knowledge of the covenants which I have made with thy fathers; and he shall do whatsoever work I shall command him. And I will make him great in mine eyes, for he shall do my work; and he shall be great..." (JST Genesis 50:27-29). It also talks about how God will give him the power to bring forth His word, and in doing so false doctrines will be confounded, there will be no more contentions, and there will be peace because people will know and be able to partake of the same covenants in the latter days as their ancestors did in ancient times. Those who seek to try to destroy Joseph Smith will be confounded.
I think the part that impresses me the most is in verse 33 when it says, "...I will remember you from generation to generation..." Sometimes I feel so alone, unloved, and forgotten about by everyone around me, but I'm not, nor have I ever been or ever will be. The Lord loves me and will never forget me, nor will He forget any of His other children.